Last Thursday was an exciting day for my students and I! We hosted a Poetry Cafe in our classroom! After FCAT testing each morning back in April, we "took it easy" in the afternoons by celebrating April being poetry month! As a class, we explored the poetry genre, the many different types of poetry, and the students had a chance to express their own feelings through poetry. I knew that I had some amazing kids, but let me just say...they shocked the socks off of me!! :) I never expected such DEEP poems from some of my kids! The awareness of society and the world around them was very evident, and eye-opening, in some of their writing. They enjoyed personification poems the most, imagining themselves as an object or a place, and writing what that object was thinking, or their objects actions. A-Mazing!!
Each day we worked on a different poem. By the end of the study, the students had their own collection of poems that they were able to choose from to compile their poetry book. The computers were in use daily by students typing out their poems. The end product was an awesome collection of each child's deepest feelings and writing from their hearts, as well as some funny limericks and "just because" was even written about Lysol Wipes!! :) I LOVE the creativity!
The culmination activity was our "Kidd's Poetry Kafe" which we held last Thursday! We all decided to wear black, and some of the students even wore sunglasses and berets, which was common when poetry cafe's were popular. Many students shared their poetry, and were celebrated by the audience snapping for them.
What a successful cafe filled with lifelong memories for the students and their families! Also, thanks to all of the families who were able to come and support our students. We are glad you were here!
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