Where will YOU go this year in third grade??
There are so many endless possibilities! Will you travel to a distant land in a fairy tale? Dive to the depths of the ocean in a non-fiction book? Write your own adventure and be the headlining star?? I am very excited about this year and being a tour guide to your explorations in reading, writing and language arts!
Below you will find our third grade "Wish List" for our classroom. These are supplies that are specific to our classroom, unlike the third grade general supply list. Please purchase what you can from our CLASSROOM SUPPLY LIST. Thank you so much in advance!
Ms. Tatham's Class Supply List
* 1 backpack- NO wheels
* Solid Color 1" Binder
* 3 Spiral Notebooks- Wide Ruled
* 4 folders, 3 prong, 2 pocket- red, blue, yellow, green
* 2 packs #2 pencils
* 1 pack pencil topper erasers
* 1 pencil box
* 1 package multi-colored highlighters
* 1 package dividers
* 1 package 24 count crayons
* 1 ream white copy paper
* 1 bottle hand sanitizer
* 1 box gallon OR quart size ziploc bags
Thank you! Keep checking the BLOG for our 2010-2011 Class List AS SOON as I get that little sucker in my hands! :)